Biome Makers News

Aurea Agrosciencies and Biome Makers seal a commercial partnership


Aurea Agrosciences and Biome Makers seal a commercial partnership.

Aurea Agrosciences and Biome Makers have entered into a distribution partnership in France aimed to offer Biome Makers solutions (BeCrop, Gheom) to farms specializing in the fields of viticulture, arboriculture, and market gardening, the first brick of a future agroecological soil management offer for these crops.

Aurea Agrosciences laboratory, the French leader in agronomic and agri-environmental analysis, has been developing soil biological quality indicators for nearly 10 years relating to the activity, abundance, and diversity of soil organisms, by molecular approach. Ongoing work on the links with the functions and services provided by the soil will make it possible to offer an operational consultancy offer, initially adapted to field crops and mixed farming operations (spring 2022).

The biotechnology start-up Biome Makers, a world leader in soil microbiome analysis by DNA sequencing, has developed expertise called BeCrop, a set of tools that connect soil biology to decision-making processes in agriculture, based on the functional analysis of soil microorganisms (bacteria and fungi). This expertise is particularly recognized at the international level with 600 clients from 35 countries.

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This is an important step forward that will provide Aurea customers with access, from the start of 2021 to this new molecular microbiology technology that provides a detailed picture of the diversity of the soil microbiome. The functions deduced from this diversity (ecological sustainability, biocontrol, carbon, and nutrient cycles) will feed into discussions for the choice of agronomic levers suited to production objectives.

“Biome Makers is delighted to be able to count on Aurea’s support to accelerate the penetration of BeCrop in France. Aurea's expertise and the wealth of its network of partners in France are key assets in making the world of agriculture aware of the benefits that knowledge of the microbiome can bring to crop development. " Comments Raoul Roverato, COO of Biome Makers.

"We are confident in the growth potential of this technology in the viticulture and arboriculture market and in the manufacture of biocontrol products as a first step. Aurea must constantly provide its customers with cutting-edge analysis solutions and respond to the challenges posed by the agroecological transition."Says David Mouton, Deputy CEO of AUREA.


About Aurea Agroscience

AUREA Agrosciences is a subsidiary of ARVALIS Institut du Végétal. It carries out annually, with its three laboratories in Ardon, La Rochelle, and Blanquefort: 150,000 soil analyses, 100,000 nitrogen residues, and nearly 50,000 analyzes of organic products.