Biome Makers Blog

Next-Level Soil Health Management Tool


At Biome Makers, we're passionate about helping farmers become more regenerative. We believe that technology can play a vital role in promoting soil health and sustainability, which is why we've spent years developing our BeCrop® Technology, the standard for soil health. Our hard work has paid off with the latest update to the BeCrop Portal, which offers customers the independence they deserve.

Gone are the days of waiting for us to deliver results or explain them. With just a click of a button, the BeCrop 3.0 portal provides soil intelligence and automated biological soil analysis results in mere minutes. BeCrop users can access the data they need at any time, anywhere.

This significant upgrade empowers the agricultural community to plan, execute, and analyze multiple soil health projects with efficiency and accuracy, while also easily integrating with other systems.  

The updates to BeCrop 3.0 include three new modules: a Project Planner, a real-time Tracking System, and improvements to the BeCrop Results and Analysis interface.

4 Key Parts of BeCrop® 3.0:


BeCrop® 3.0 brings exciting data improvements to the platform, offering power, precision, and confidence in the analysis. The platform now features a more robust Soil Quality Index, comprehensively assessing management practices independent of biodiversity, functionality, and resistance.

Also, BeCrop® has improved its computing libraries to enhance network calculations on both bacterial and fungal. In addition, the updated taxonomic biodiversity provides a higher level of precision, with more taxa detected and more references identified in the world’s largest taxonomic database of 14M references of microorganisms.

This all adds up to a more accurate and reliable BeCrop® analysis for users.

With these data improvements, crop advisors and farmers can trust that they are receiving the most precise analysis of their soil samples, leading to better decision-making and improved crop yields.



BeCrop® Project Planner is a tool that assists Agronomists and BeCrop Advisors with complete project planning and proposal creation.  

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The BeCrop® Project Planner provides crop advisors with complete independence and control to design and monitor projects accurately and efficiently. Designed to address issues related to yield, disease, and management practices, the Project Planner allows for clear direction and tracking of projects.

Upon acceptance of proposals created using the BeCrop® Project Planner, the project is entered into the BeCrop® Portal for result tracking and measurement, with all approved projects managed under one platform. The results are analyzed based on the problems identified during the proposal process, with visual analysis and easy-to-understand scores and metrics. Additionally, the platform allows for the comparison of different areas and projects.

The connection between the BeCrop® Project Planner and BeCrop® 3.0 provides a seamless transition from project design to monitoring results.

To get a Demo of the BeCrop Project Planner, contact us today >>



Be on top of your game with real-time project tracking using BeCrop® Technology. With the BeCrop® Tracking module, crop advisors can have full transparency and access to up-to-date information on sample collection, analysis, and results. The information can be easily shared with farmer clients, improving communication between advisors and farmers.

BeCrop 3.0 Tracking

The BeCrop® Tracking module includes a GIS map detailing the location needed for soil sample collection, as well as the calculation of zones, shipping, metadata, and results. This comprehensive tracking system provides complete control and transparency on all projects, including project timelines, filtering through different stages of the project, and notifications on pending actions/requirements allowing them to take the necessary action as needed.

In addition, BeCrop's Comprehensive Results View provides crop advisors with a single platform to manage all projects, including project titles, dates, types, and status. This powerful tool enables crop advisors to see the big picture and take action to improve crop yields and profitability.



BeCrop® 3.0 has made reviewing and analyzing results easy, allowing crop advisors to get the answers to the questions they started with and improve crop productivity with confidence. Crop advisors no longer need to rely on the expertise of Biome Makers' team to gain quick and effortless access to comprehensive project views and results.

Soil samples are displayed on an interactive map using geolocation, allowing users to compare plots and view key measurements through comparison clusters. The map view feature allows for easy comparisons between fields and projects, while BeCrop® Score provides easy-to-understand scores and metrics to focus on areas needing attention.

BeCrop Results 3.0 - mockup

With full independence, control, and transparency on all projects, crop advisors can dive deeper into the data to learn the differences between areas and select different indexes to understand the results better.

The new update helps crop advisors to compare results and make informed agronomic decisions and recommendations. For farmers, this means that they can rely on their crop advisors to provide accurate and up-to-date information on their soil health, leading to better crop yields and overall farm profitability.

Whether you're a farmer, advisor, retailer, or agricultural input manufacturer, BeCrop® Technology provides all the intelligence and independence you need to make informed decisions about soil health management.


Get a BeCrop Test Demo today