Biome Makers Blog

From Soil Data to Sales: BeCrop Farm Empowers Retailer Agro Decisions


Agricultural retailers and farm innovators increasingly rely on science-based solutions to improve their customers’ farms. They are building valuable customer relationships and optimizing farmland returns by helping farmers test and maximize the health of their soil. While research on soil testing began in the 1800s, some farmers still consider it unnecessary. Yet, how can farmers improve their soil without reliable, real-time data on how their inputs affect soil biodiversity, health, nutrient cycling, disease risk, and more? This is where forward-thinking retailers can help.

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Why Retailers Need the Latest Agricultural Technology

CoBank’s Knowledge Exchange reports that retailers are investing in new Agricultural technologies to remain successful in today’s marketplace. With the costs of farming reaching all-time highs, retailers are looking for new methods to address customer concerns with science-backed recommendations that can drive crop productivity while optimizing inputs. And the answers may lie in advanced soil biology testing.

Having a deep understanding of the effects of inputs on soil biology and the soil microbiome enables retailers to make precise, evidence-based recommendations to farmers. From improving nutrient availability to stimulating growth to managing pests, retailers can provide farmers with a holistic look at what their soil needs through advanced soil health analysis. 

Data-Driven Soil Health Technology Can Help Support Retailer Success

BeCrop® Farm provides functional soil analysis and translates complex dataprecise input recommendations and agronomic insights on management practices. These recommendations are based on the analysis on the abundance of microorganisms that live in the soil and what functions they are performing. The analysis considers the entire system of physical, chemical, and biological components of the soil as follows:

  • Physical: The soil structure, which enables water and nutrient movement. 
  • Chemical: The minerals and macro and micronutrients are required for crop health.
  • Biological: The microbiome, which influences and supports both the physical and chemical components of the soil.

Introducing BeCrop® Farm, a platform here to revolutionize crop health management with predictive soil biology insights, precision diagnostics, and prescriptive maps all in one digital solution. Through cutting-edge analysis and interactive mapping, BeCrop® Farm turns complex biological science into precise, actionable soil input and management recommendations to maximize the potential of every acre.
Creating predictability in today’s unpredictable conditions, BeCrop® Farm helps retailers quickly analyze and compare fields, pinpoint disease risks, and prescribe personalized solutions, ultimately optimizing farm operations and crop production on any field, anywhere.

The Top Three Ways Retailers Can Use BeCrop® Farm to Support Farmers

Upgrading to the latest agricultural technology can give retailers a competitive edge and build their brand as well-informed advisors that farmers can count on. Since BeCrop® Farm is an independent and brand-agnostic provider of soil health insights, retailers can empower farmers with the knowledge to apply only the products that their soil needs. BeCrop® Farm will identify which product category is the best fit as well as map out on the farm where exactly needs the most attention, completely transforming how quickly and reliably retailers can provide guidance to their customers.

Learn how retailers are leveraging precision farming technologies to address  their customers’ specific concerns. Download the eBook >>

1) Providing Data-Driven Insights

Precision Recommendations:

  • BeCrop® Farm's AI-driven analysis offers precise recommendations on soil health management, biological inputs, and disease prevention.
  • Tailor solutions based on detailed soil biology data, ensuring that each farmer receives customized advice suited to their specific needs.
Interactive Mapping:
  • Utilize the platform's interactive mapping features to visually represent soil health data across different farm sections.
  • Help farmers identify areas of concern, such as nutrient deficiencies or disease risks, and provide targeted interventions.
2) Enhancing Client Support

Strengthening Relationships:
  • Position yourself as a trusted advisor by offering farmers cutting-edge tools and insights that address their most pressing challenges.
  • Provide ongoing support and guidance, helping farmers implement BeCrop® Farm recommendations effectively.
3) Improving Operational Efficiency

Streamlined Processes:
  • Use BeCrop® Farm to simplify the process of soil health analysis and product recommendations.
  • Reduce the time and effort required to assess soil conditions and determine appropriate interventions, allowing you to serve more clients efficiently.
Inventory Management:
  • Optimize your inventory based on the specific needs of your clients, informed by BeCrop® Farm's data-driven insights.
  • Ensure you stock the right products, such as biologicals and biofertilizers, that align with the recommendations provided by the platform.

Optimizing Input Decisions

In today’s precision farming, differentiation in the marketplace for retailers will come from not only providing great products but by providing great agronomic expertise. The best retailers make data-driven recommendations that ensure healthy soil function, optimize customer input strategies, reduce input costs, and maximize farm outcomes. Leveraging state-of-the-art biological soil analysis for farming, retailers with the tools to understand and interpret soil functionality will be well-equipped to optimize their recommendations to their farmers.

Want to know more? Download the free eBook: 'The Underground Retail Movement' >>

Originally published on February 8, 2023 / Updated July 24,2024