Jay Vroom
Advisor Board member
Jay Vroom has devoted his career to advocating for and advising modern agricultural businesses and organizations. Raised on an Illinois farm, he still owns and helps operate that land and feels a lifelong allegiance to US farming. His professional career, spanning nearly 5 decades, has focused in the agricultural inputs and grain merchandising sectors. His professional expertise focuses on food and ag public policy and communications outreach. Most of his career Jay has worked in and around Washington, DC where he continues to operate from today.
After working for 4 distinct US ag trade associations, the last 30 years of which he served as CEO of CropLife America, Jay began a "second career" in 2018. He's now working for a variety of clients spanning communications, marketing, and regulatory business interests for major multinational firms to small, venture capital-supported start-up tech companies, as well as several associations and coalitions. Jay works via his own consulting LLC company as well as the lobby firm DCLRS, Inc.; the law firm OFW Law; and the Context Network. While located nearby Washington, DC, Jay has extensive policy experience in both state capitols around the US and on the international landscape as well.
Jay was graduated from the University of Illinois ACES College, with a BS in Ag Science, and has studied business administration at Washington University and has attended the Harvard School of Business Agri Business Seminar multiple times. He currently volunteers service as a founding board member of the Soil Health Institute and he serves on the board of the social/professional fraternity, Alpha Gamma Rho. He’s also spent over a decade volunteering service to the National FFA Foundation. He and his wife Jamie enjoy spending time with family in Illinois and northern California.