Biome Makers Blog

How to Provide the Right Agricultural Inputs to Your Customers


Every Farm Needs Different Solutions

Every farm and field is different and has its own set of challenges. Finding the right agricultural input products is key to success for any farmer. As an agricultural input manufacturer, providing farmers with the right products and data directly creates a healthy return on investment for both the farmer and the product manufacturer. 

Emerging biological technologies every aginput manufacturer needs to know.  Download the eBook >>

BeCrop® Trials help farmers to optimize crop production through customized field trials and reporting, enabling them to improve soil health and enhance farming practices in line with their unique needs in ensuring good crop quality and yield. The trials not only benefit the farmers directly but additionally provide valuable insights for ag input manufacturers, from customer requirements to advice on providing supporting data. 

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Soil Biology and Scientific Precision

There are several challenges that ag input manufacturers face today. Many farmers are reluctant to adopt new products into their operative strategy owing to a lack of scientific precision unique to their requirements. This is where soil biology and soil microbiome analysis demonstrate their importance. The biological makeup of soil varies according to climate conditions, naturally occurring soil microbes, plants, access to water, and other environmental factors. Without an in-depth understanding of these factors, providing ag input solutions with accuracy is nearly impossible. 

Much of the scientific precision requires can be achieved through healthy soil microbiome analysis. Sampling sections of a field tell experts a lot about the requirements farmers face to achieve optimum crop yield. BeCrop® Trials provide valuable insights into long-term projections and how to navigate them, including but not limited to: 

  • Disease risk evolution
  • Yield projection
  • Input performance variables
  • Effects across locations
  • Long-term input effects

Understanding the soil microbiomes within a field and the effects they have on crop performance set ag input producers a cut above the rest. The community of microorganisms within the soil tell farmers a lot about the best practice to follow and what they can expect when it comes to harvesting crops to sell. 

BeCrop Trial Case Studies 

Biome Makers are now trusted by key players in the agricultural industry through their innovative soil technology BeCrop®. BeCrop® Trials have seen success on a global scale and now have a glowing host of testimonials from farmers all over the world. The case studies demonstrate how analyzing inputs from all over the world can be achieved and the value they bring to manufacturers and farmers alike.   

How Can BeCrop® Trials Help Ag Input Manufacturers? 

BeCrop® Trials give manufacturers the opportunity to harness valuable tools to effectively demonstrate and recommend their products to farmers, as well as differentiate their products from their competitors. Biome Maker’s services will enable ag input manufacturers to: 

  • Build customer trust
  • Validate products against farmer requirements and the current market 
  • Enable manufacturers to strengthen distributor networks
  • Enable manufacturers to become market leaders in their specialized products. 

Trials give ag-input manufacturers the data they need to provide farmers with products that will produce desirable results. As a manufacturer of ag input products, these trials will give farmers confidence in your products and you the ability to provide the support the farmers need when using your products. Products are vital to farmers for reducing operational costs and building on sustainable agricultural practices, but using them entirely depends on their unique circumstances. 

With environmental factors like climate change causing sporadic weather conditions and increasing global populations driving high food demands, farming is becoming more and more challenging. It's now more important than ever for manufacturers to tap into knowledge and understanding of general soil health and specific healthy soil microbiomes.

Free eBook. Emerging biological technologies every aginput manufacturer needs to know.